All of our hats are made of braided palm leaves. In Guatemala, seven strands of palm are braided into a flat plait about 1/2" wide. 150 feet or more of this braid will go into a 4" brim standard palm hat.
Here's a video of a woman in Quiche braiding palm:
She is wearing the tradition Quiche "traje", or dress. Quiche is one of 26 indigenous languages spoken in Guatemala. Approximately 1 million people speak Quiche, more than any of the other indigenous languages. You can hear her speaking a native language. I presume it is Quiche, which is predominant in the department (state) of Quiche, but it could be something else. Do you know?
Last year when I went to Guatemala I shot a lot of video of the hat making process. I hope to be converting more of it to a YouTube friendly format in the coming days and getting it it posted.
Jimmy Pryor